Kàddug Yàlla gi: Kóllëre gu jëkk gi ak Kóllëre gu bees gi.
Appli bii mooy Kàddug Yàlla, gi dikke ñaari pàcc: Kóllëre gu jëkk gi Yàlla fas ak nit, ak Kóllëre gu yees, gi mujja wàcc, te ñenn ñi di ko wooye Injiil, mu tekki Xibaaru jàmm. Ñaari téere yooyu, Yàllaa leen wàcce ci nitam ñu sell ñi, kóllëre gu jëkk gi, ñu bind ko ci yawut, gu yees gi, ci làkku gereg. Li ñu bind ci téere yu jëkk ya nag, moom lanu tekki ci wolof.With this release we are adding many new books for both OT and the NT revision! The app now has a new system for sharing verses on image - choose an image, click the image icon from the toolbar, choose a picture, and share! You can now read two versions at the same time by choosing two pane view.